* I'll NEVER lose this weight!!*... * how on earth could YOU, over 300 pounds EVER be able to work out and actually lose ENOUGH weight to be happy?*......* how will I ever defeat this " Battle of the Bulge "? Is it even POSSIBLE? Or am I hopeless??!?! * * I'll be fat and unhappy my whole life!!* ...* I might as well just give up and enjoy this food *.....Have you ever said any of these things to yourself? I said some of these and similar statements to myself before my journey began and I felt help-less......
Thankfully, I no longer feel such desperation as a regular part of my mindset...(Though in honesty, especially when hitting a weight-loss plateau as I have been for at for a little while now, I have felt bits of that trying to come back into my thoughts! ).
Thankfully, I no longer feel such desperation as a regular part of my mindset...(Though in honesty, especially when hitting a weight-loss plateau as I have been for at for a little while now, I have felt bits of that trying to come back into my thoughts! ).
The thing about it is... WEIGHT loss ( and for some on the opposite spectrum of Anorexia and Bulimia, weight GAIN...let us NOT forgot our fellow sisters ( and brothers too) who share with us many of the same emotions~different effect outwardly, but same poison inwardly.) this change...is NOT just a physical thing!! Healthy lifestyle, includes your MIND, BODY AND SOUL!
One of my fellow coaches and I have talked about this a bit... she posted a wonderful post on her blog recently regarding her thoughts after watch Wynonna Judd on Oprah.. ( Please visit http://franceehaydel.blogspot.com/ for her amazing post! )
Honestly my loverlies, you should have NO shame, in seeing a counselor/therapist/ whatever you want to label it if it helps you tackle unhealthy mindsets that have been keeping you trapped and immobile! You should instead be PROUD of yourself for confronting whatever demons are lurking in your past! There are many reasons that people gain ( and in the case of the Anorexia and Bulimia, lose in an unhealthy manner) weight... One of the biggest causes of unhealthy Weight in my opinion (in most cases~though not all) is the outward manifestation of a hurting heart, mind and soul. We self medicate with food, which only leads to more depression and low feelings of self worth. It is a vicious cycle that only WE have the power to stop! But the WONDERFUL news... is that we CAN stop that cycle! This year has been proof positive of that in my own life, over 50 pounds lost doesn't lie!
I have FINALLY after 36 years of doing this to myself... gotten to the point that I can more often then not turn to something better for my overall well-being when I am stressed out or sad ! A HUGE triumph for me occurred a few weeks ago when I was TEMPTED to delve into some tasty but detrimental treat when I was upset...and instead, I did my TurboJam...! Quite honestly... I felt about a million times better simply from that one healthy act. Exercise can feel like renewed life flowing through your veins! ...I'm not sure of all the Scientific terms, but I know it DOES release something good for body AND mind!
Truthfully, would that one treat have messed up all my months of progress? No. Of course not. BUT it could have led to OTHER times where I gave in and THAT would have been un-healthy.
For anyone struggling with this, please don't beat yourself up over it, and DON'T lose heart! You CAN DO this! FIGHT for yourself!! For your family ...for your LIFE and your DREAMS!!!! It takes a long time of un-covering whatever issues of the mind and heart led to an addiction to food... nothing changes over night! Take EVERY victory as a step forward into the new, healthy you....!
I still over-eat at times, and I still struggle...but more times then not, I am considering those dreams that slept dormant inside my soul yet still flickered with a hint of life worth it. For me, those cherished dreams include someday getting married and having children. Being HEALTHY and comfortable enough with myself for those things and for all the rest of who God made me to be. To make them MORE important that a momentary pleasure of a tasty morsel on my tongue. There are so many aspects of life I long to taste INSTEAD that I never have...and THAT is now my priority!
What, and who...are YOUR priorities? Make yourself a list if need be, and hang it on the Fridge. Whatever it takes to change your mindset so that your body can follow. Because you ARE worth it. You CAN do this. And eventually, as an added blessing, you will be able to inspire and help others out of that deep, dark chasm of an un-healthy relationship with food.
I am praying for you, and fighting for you all the way . Because I know where you are at. I've lived 95% of my life trapped inside my * flubber suit* ...and I'm still on that Journey! Let's show the world we are worth it, and stop hiding behind those walls of our own making!!!!! I believe in you!!!! Join with me as we defeat these mindsets and habits one step, uppercut, fire-throw and roundhouse ( or whatever works for YOU!) at a time!
in love and hope,
~Aimee ( the TurboBear ;)